Definition Skin Care | Branding and Package Design
Definition Skin Care is a natural, organic solution for your skin. We have a range of products that service all skin types. The target audience is women and men in their 20’s looking for a new, all inclusive, and gender-neutral brand. Almost 40% of adults have shown an interest in gender-neutral cosmetic products, with new unisex products being one of the more popular industry trends in 2018. Before buying their tailored package, the consumer completes an on-line questionnaire to determine their skin type, and which package works best for them. When the package arrives, it includes an informational flyer that outlines the products and ingredients. The consumer will learn about what goes into making the organic products, with a focus on the ingredients. Definition Skin Care provides an informative, personalized, and interactive experience, and is a brand consumer’s can trust with every swipe, dab, and rub. It will transform a consumer’s skincare regimen, by taking the guess-work out of product selection, and giving peace of mind regarding the ingredients that are being applied to the face and body.